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Mr. Masahiro, who has been absent from the medical school of the university for one year, is currently taking our Italian chef training + restaurant internship course. When we supported him in the procedure of application, he showed us he was ready for another challenge as he always learned through trial and error. We wish you all the best in Italy from the bottom of our hearts! “Food” is medicine!

🇮🇹Long-term study abroad after raising children

Ms. Kaeko has finished parenting and realized her wish to learn culinary art in Italy. Before her departure to Italy, she had kept working in an Italian restaurant where the seafood dishes are famous. she has been a chef for over 25 years in total. I remember how we worked hard together and how she was attentive during the procedure of application. Then, she flew to Italy for her much-awaited study abroad to learn Italian cuisine as well as the Italian language🇮🇹 She looked so cool that she would try something new no matter how old she was. We are always here to support her and wish her all the […]

FCAS student’s experience🇮🇹(Mr. Taiki Tsurusawa)

Mr. Taiki Tsurusawa kindly shared his post on Facebook as follows: My FCAS Chef Training Course has been completed, and a restaurant internship program will start soon. At the end of the course, a graduation competition in pairs was held in the school. Partners were selected in a lottery and Matteo turned out to be my partner. The competition theme was all different for each pair, and our dish was “Parmigiana di Melanzane”, a dish made with baked eggplants layered with cheese and tomato sauce. Soon after the competition began, there was an accident that Matteo cut his finger, but we managed to enjoy cooking together using gestures and Google […]

Congrats on winning! 🇮🇹 FCAS instructor Romeo Chef’s restaurant

The restaurant “Trattoria Mario” by FCAS instructor Romeo Chef won first prize in the restaurant contest program “4 restaurants (Quattro Ristoranti)”. This contest is a cooking program run by the famous Italian chef “Alessandro Borghese”. In terms of hospitality, service, dishes and wine, the best restaurant was selected from four traditional restaurants in Florence. “Trattoria Mario” was also selected as the best restaurant serving the traditional Florentine cuisine “Bistecca alla fiorentina”.

A news from the graduate🇮🇹

We received a message from Mr. Tanbe. “Long time no see. Thank you for your help last year! My training and internship program has been completed successfully and I have returned home safely. If there is another opportunity, I will choose FCAS again☺️” We are sure that he spent a fulfilling life in Italy as he made a constant effort without ever forgetting his feelings of appreciation. It’s remembered nostalgically how we worked hard together for the visa application procedure. We are also supporting re-study abroad programs. Please feel free to contact us.

Student’s News🇮🇹Mr. Ryosuke in FCAS Chef Training Course

FCAS Chef Training course has begun, and we are glad to see his busy and fulfilling life in Italy. Thank you very much for sharing your photos with us, Mr. Ryosuke😊 Now he is ready for working on an internship at a restaurant✨ We will support him from the bottom of our hearts! Florence Culinary Art School has been chosen through word of mouth and its reputation. Since its establishment in 1983, FCAS has provided Italian culinary programs to students from all over the world. Experience the authentic Italian culinary tradition in Florence, which is famous as a gourmet city in Italy!

Mr. Noriyuki in Italy with working visa

Mr. Noriyuki has spent 6 years in Italy and his current status of residence is working visa. We felt nostalgic about the times when we were preparing visa application documents together to submit to the Italian Embassy. He worked on an internship very hard at a restaurant even though he found it difficult to communicate in the Italian language. After extending his internship duration, he finally obtained a working visa in Italy, We were so happy to hear this news. Thank you for your message, Mr. Noriyuki! Please continue to do your best in Italy. We support you from the bottom of our hearts!

Italian Home Cooking classes

ITALIAN HOME COOKING in Florence🇮🇹 Ms. Chie who took a 2-week Home Cooking course gave us a feedback message, saying “My Italian Home Cooking lessons have been completed! FCAS’s cooking style using the five senses 👀👃🏻was very attractive to me. Some classes were really exciting, and all the days I spent with my teachers and classmates became precious memory and wonderful experience!“ She added, “Your staff in Florence was very supportive during my 2-week stay there. Time passed so fast!” FCAS provide interpreters and staff who support students from overseas so that they can feel safe and secure in Florence✨ Ms. Chie’s smile showed the fulfillment of life in Italy😀 […]

Mr. Tanishima who is taking FCAS Italian Cuisine Chef Training + Restaurant Internship course

I contacted one of our students, Mr. Tanishima who has been taking FCAS Italian Cuisine Chef Training + Restaurant Internship course, asking him if we could use his photos for our website. Then he replied “Hi, of course, feel free to use my photos. I’ve been enjoying myself here in Italy! “ Thank you, Mr. Tanishima! I still remember the time when we worked together for his Visa application in the Consulate General of Italy in Osaka Japan. Glad to hear that he is enjoying a fulfilling life in Italy. We hope he will gain enough experience in Italy, and look forward to his future performances in the Culinary field! […]