Italian Cuisine Chef Training + Restaurant Internship

“I have learned very much during my study abroad in Italy. I am really glad I went!! You can use my photos as many as you like.” said Yusuke, who has taken our Italian chef training + restaurant internship course. We can see from his photos that he seems to have made a lot of valuable experiences and it moved us to see the deep connections he made recognized through his expressions. It’s remembered nostalgically how we worked hard together and how he was attentive during the procedure of application. Please keep with you all of the precious encounters you had, with your respectful colleagues and friends during your life at study abroad in Italy. We wish you the very best and we support you from our hearts.

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training

Italian Cuisine Chef Training